GoldShield South Africa

Workplace & Office

Goldshield®’s unique antimicrobial barrier technology provides unrivalled cleaning and disinfection armoury in the fight against infection and potential outbreaks.

Protect Your Business Against The Rise of “Superbugs”

In a world where we are fighting a losing battle against more resistant bacteria and viruses, the need for new technology to clean and disinfect our working environments has never been greater.

Clearly the workplace is an environment where we spend a lot of our time. It is important then that the workplace is aesthetically clean to provide employees, employers and visitors with an environment that is pleasing to work in. A clean environment also provides a more productive workspace and the confidence to visiting clients that this is a company to work with. However visual cleanliness does not guarantee that harmful microbes are removed and absenteeism due to infection has a direct impact on business.

Our workplace contain offices, open desk environments, toilets, restaurants, kitchens and even gyms. These require the same standards of cleanliness and Goldshield® products can be used to clean and protect all of these facilities.

“Cleaning alone does not kill potentially harmful microorganisms such as Norovirus the “winter vomiting” virus, which can strike at any time”

Many normal cleaning products do not contain any form of biocide relying on physical removal of soils and microorganisms as visible cleanliness is the main objective. Even if they do contain some form of biocide, none can compete with the long-lasting effect of using Goldshield® known as our “residual protection”.

The general environment, toilets, desks and surfaces such as high touch computer keyboards and door handles have a high potential for harmful microbes to be transferred onto surfaces and subsequently to the workforce and visitors.

Goldshield®’s advanced technology contains a range of liquid products that can both clean and disinfect. Our products leave an invisible layer which is completely safe to guests and staff but carries on killing harmful microbes for potentially days after a single application.

Using Goldshield® will provide your workforce, visitors and clients both potential and established that your workplace is not just visibly clean but also microbiologically clean thereby providing a safer environment.

Protecting your workplace from the threat caused by common surface areas is vital in the control of Norovirus and other harmful microbes. To combat this, Goldshield® provide a hand sanitiser that will protect hands for up to 24 hours with a single application.

The Goldshield® range comes in ready to use spray bottles, wipes, hand sanitisers, or in a format (concentrate) that you can make up yourself. Goldshield® is easy to use, non-toxic and does not require any changes to how you clean.

Organisms Tested Against Goldshield®


  • Acinetobacter spp
  • Bacillus cereus
  • Burkholderia cepacia,
  • Clostridium difficile
  • Enterobacter spp
  • Enterococcus spp
  • Escherichia coli
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Salmonella typhosa
  • Stapylococcus epidermidis1
  • Strepticoccus faecalis


  • Yeast
  • Candida albicans
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  • Avian Flu
  • HIV B
  • Influenza A
  • Norovirus
  • SARS